How It Works
Please join us friday mornings to put some quality work into your fitness bank account. Take part in the fun ski community atmosphere - its Win-Win for all. Its a short amount of time with big bang for the buck, and leaves most of the day afterward for work, family, play.
How It Works
Every week throughout winter, a different short (5-8km) course is selected and posted and described here. Racers can start any time between 9am and 10am, either by themselves or with people they would like to race with or chase. Each week's race will have a specific start and finish location identified on the schedule page. Its up to each individual to time themselves using their own watches or phones at the specific start and finish lines. Afterwards they report their time to MVTT Results for tracking results. The courses vary among many different options the Methow has to offer, and technique alternates between Skate and Classic.
Disclaimer: We are not a registered organization, and are not taking any fees or providing any official race service. No feeds, timing or first aid. We have not assessed safety, and are not providing insurance. This is just members of our ski community joining together voluntarily for some fun speed work at everyone's own risk.